Purpose: This statement informs users about the information collected when they visit this site, how it is used, and if it is disclosed.
Information Collected: The information gathered during each visit is aggregated with similar data to identify usage patterns. This helps improve the services offered by Tree Removal Adelaide. Identifiable information about individual machines or sub-groupings of addresses will not be disclosed or published without consent.
Exceptions: Tree Removal Adelaide may collect, use, and disclose more extensive information in cases such as:
- Unauthorized attempts to access unpublished files.
- Tampering or interfering with published files.
- Unauthorized attempts to index site content.
- Attempts to intercept messages from other users.
- Defamatory or abusive communications.
- Suspicions of criminal activity.
- Attempts to compromise web server security or interfere with other users.
Tree Removal Adelaide reserves the right to disclose information to relevant authorities if there is suspicion of an offence. In investigations, data may be provided to law enforcement agencies with the proper warrant.
Security of Information: Information is securely stored and held for archival purposes. It is deleted when no longer needed for the original purpose.
Feedback: Users can provide feedback on the site, with the option to include personal details for responses. Personal information will only be used for its intended purpose and will not be added to any mailing list. Aggregated feedback information may be published without identifying individual users.
Feedback data is captured on Tree Removal Adelaide’s computers and is accessible only to specific officers for analysis and reporting.
Contact: For access to information held about you, please contact us.
Policy Updates: This policy may be updated to reflect new developments or issues. The amended policy will be posted on this site and will be effective immediately.